Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

Here are my updates after week one of my life which quite possibly could be made into a reality TV show, along with everyone else who has had the opportunity to experience this Global Fellows experience in Hong Kong. Let me just do a recap:

First night altogether, can't even tell they haven't slept

Wednesday night once everyone was starting to get acclimated to Hong Kong style life, we all decided to try an infamous Ladies night in Wan Chai which happens every Wednesdays. We only made it to one bar, Mes Amis which was fun but we learned later was the "older crowd" so we will try again this coming Wednesday.

Flaming Lamborghini
Thursday was quite the feasting day. Lunch at a fancy Sushi restaurant in Central called Sushi Kuu. It was amazing but quite expensive! My bed of tuna on rice was almost $500 HKD!! ($65 USD unheard of) Thank god my boss was paying, and I made sure to thank him thoroughly before he stepped into his new Ferrari to drive back to work, NBD. That night after work, my co-workers took me and all of the other Global fellows to a traditional shanghai cuisine restaurant. Needless to say, it was the best meal I have had yet and below are the photos of this amazing food!

Afterwards, the party animals of my office, Jeffrey and Elaine went to LKF with us for Ladies Night, yet again, at LKF. We danced the night away at volar, and went back early enough to be fresh for work on Friday morning.

View from Azure
Friday I was able to use my lunch period to explore Central a little bit on my own and find my way around (more like get lost) by myself despite the protests of my co-workers who are always eager to be my guide around this bustling and perplexing metropolis. I found myself wandering through the huge IFC mall and financial hub down the street of my office. This was the first time I have felt as if the Caucasion population around me outnumbered that of the Asian population-- A sign that this would be an expensive and very western mall (I was right).

Friday night after exploring the incredibly cheap shops I had seen before, I prepared myself for yet another successful night out full of dancing and meeting really fun locals/ foreigners.

Sesame Noodle Salad
Green tea- tasted like avocado
Peking Duck
Bean and Mochi
Tofu and spinach rolls- YUM
Sweet and sour pork
I don't remember but it was good
More pork
Saturday we explored Soho district and the longest escalators in the world! A little anticlimactic because there was no view at the top but we had fun getting fro yo and meeting someone from california working the shop and looking at the cute european style cafes.

Thai Iced Cofee- SO GOOD
Fro Yo
Saturday night. Words cannot fully encompass our experiences Saturday night. UNREAL would be an understatement. My boss, Steven Lee, decided to throw a party or "cultural exchange" at one of the famous bars at the penthouse of the LKF Hotel. In our private party room at this bar/club with amazing views of the city, all of the Global Fellows were able to meet around 10 Hong Kong University and China University students, along with Steven's close friends including the editor and chief of the largest newspaper in Hong Kong. Again, NBD. As the 3-4 men including Steven told us that they were there as  guides to us and anything we needed they would gladly help us out, I learned that they were all members of one of the most elite government groups in Hong Kong. I would say this is probably a good connection to have, thank you Trojan network! After exchanging business cards with the important men, and grabbing the contact info from the students we met (with whom we have already made Ocean Park plans, yay PANDAS!), we left Azure (the bar) as it was already 2:30am and we planned on going to bed. This, however, would prove to be impossible.

Guy on left = famous, but
I personally like panda
hat better
"I know a place to get an arranged marriage" (yes, this is the pickup line this guy used). Margaux, Kelly and I walk out of Azure and are greeted by two guys with this line. We just laughed it off and began to walk away when we here another great line: "Do you really not know who I am?". No I'm sorry, creative really. The rest of the night we spent exploring exclusive club after club so as for this man, who was supposedly "famous" and the "Ryan Seacrest of Hong Kong" with "even a picture with Ryan on the background of his phone", to prove that he was who he said he was. It was a great night and I came back feeling accomplished as we made sure to get the contact info of the managers of the clubs in order to be able to come back. Only when I got back and googled "Dominic Lau", the "famous guy" did I realize that he happened to be star of E! News Hong Kong. Whoops, my bad. 

Sunday my Co-worker Jeffrey took all of us to Lamma Island where we enjoyed the hot weather hiking and eating delicious seafood on the beach in the small fishing village (my personal favorite: cuttlefish balls yum!)

I ate that
Lamma Island

Monday all of my co-workers took us to Stanley Beach for the famous Dragon Boat races celebrating the holiday. We watched on the beach as these dragon boats were raced to the shore, similar to crew/rowing but they were all wearing costume. My favorite were the Pandas and the Black Swans (men were wearing hair clips and skirts). Overall very entertaining and I am so grateful to have co-workers willing to be our tour guides and take us places we may have never found!

Today during lunch period I instead went shopping for skincare products with one of my co-workers, Grace. She is an expert and has beautiful skin. The amount of work that Hong Kong women put into their skin amazes me and she was appalled at my simple routine of just facewash... so she mad me buy the basics: toner, face mask and face gel (although I refused to get the whitening mask so popular among asian women). There were so many products and none in English (all in Japanese). I would have been lost without her! Tonight we plan to explore the Soho area at the various wine and tapas restaurants there! Next episode soon.....

My obsession with cats and dogs continues while abroad:


I want

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